Recycle Everything With Terracycle

By Ella Hackworth

Image: Terracycle

Image: Terracycle

Terracycle is the talk of the town. We know they are doing a lot and we know they are a resource for recycling but what exactly are they doing? And how do we utilize it? Today, we are doing a deep dive on Terracycle and how take advantage of their services as an individual.

What is Terracycle?

“Terracycle is a social enterprise eliminating the idea of waste. In 21 countries, we tackle the issue from many angles. We have found that nearly everything we touch can be recycled and collect typically non-recyclable items through national, first-of-their-kind recycling platforms.” (1)


Terracycle isn’t just one system. It is a system of systems. They offer a range of different recycling programs to encourage the public to recycle everything. Everything from free recycling programs, zero-waste boxes, city-wide programs made in partnership with municipalities, industrial waste solutions in partnership with different manufacturing facilities, to products and services to help you facilitate the effective and compliant management of regulated, universal and hazardous waste (think fluorescent lamps, lightbulbs, batteries, etc.).

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How to Utilize Terracycle as an Individual


Free Programs

As an individual you can sign up for a wide range of different recycling programs that are free (a big thank you to the brands, manufacturers and retailers who are helping to fund this) to help you have a place to send your hard-to-recycle waste. Then they recycle it for you.


These are just a few out of hundreds of recycling programs that Terracycle offers for free. There is no limit to the number of free recycling programs that you can join!

Once you sign up for the program, you can begin collecting in your location (this can be your home, your child’s school, your neighborhood, etc), download a provided free shipping label, and send your waste to Terracycle.


Zero Waste Box (purchase required)

This platform allows you to recycle almost anything “from coffee capsules to complex laboratory waste”. The Zero Waste Box system is a great solution for events, offices/workplace, and your home. Once you choose your waste stream and a box size, you will be able to fill up the box and ship (for free) your waste back to Terracycle. They take care of the rest!


+ So many more

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Where to start?

Start small. What is it that you use the most and find yourself throwing away the most of? Is it beauty products? Is it Tupperware? Is it k-cups? Identify one waste stream and sign up for one program. It isn’t about recycling every single thing you have, but taking a survey of your home and identifying a starting point. If it seems overwhelming to choose a waste stream from your “everyday” life, consider utilizing Terracycle to de-clutter. Are you cleaning out a garage? Or getting ready to move? Look at what you’re getting rid of, categorize it, and instead of throwing those categories away, send it to Terracycle.  Imperfect progress will get you far. It doesn’t have to be perfection, just a step in the right direction.

(1) Terracycle (2021).


Ella Hackworth is a Brand Account Manager and Contributing Writer for SISTAIN and has a background in design, dance, and visual arts. She celebrates her love of nature, beauty, and connection through her passion for living mindfully and sustainably. 


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