Style Guide: Bryant Park X Cuffed By Nano

By Ella Hackworth

All Photos by Folchi Creative

All Photos by Folchi Creative


We are excited to share with you a collaborative article featuring two female-owned businesses that are taking Columbus by storm. Bryant Park, founded by Mary Sommerfelt, is the destination for unique cool-girl vintage pieces with a fresh, contemporary feel. Cuffed by Nano, founded by Nano Anderson Swetman, is a high-quality, sustainable and effortlessly stylish jewelry line. Put them together and you’ve got the ultimate style guide that will leave you with swoon-worthy inspiration. 

Learn a little bit about each brand, what sustainability means to them, and a few of their styling tips that will make you want to restyle your wardrobe and maybe even add a new item or two!


Bryant Park

How did Bryant Park begin?

In 2014, I started my career in NYC working in a print magazine. My subway stop was 42nd St. - Bryant Park. I'd frequently sit there with my coffee and gain inspiration from all the hustle. I knew I wanted to have my own “Bryant Park” one day, so I created this brand to help others gain inspiration and find confidence through style. 

What is your philosophy on vintage? 

I think vintage clothing is such a cool way to take something old and make it new again. I'm such a hopeless nostalgic-—so when I find pieces from the past, I love that my mind is transported to another time. I also think one of the coolest things about vintage is that you are almost guaranteed to be the only one with that article of clothing. We are all rare and unique, so I like to encourage my clients to dress that way!


What does sustainability mean to Bryant Park?

Buying vintage and secondhand clothing is such a great way to participate in the circular economy. Clothing should be recycled, upcycled, or turned into something completely new. I still have so much to learn, but I'm really glad to be able to help shift people's mindsets.

What are your tips for shopping vintage?

  1. Knowing your measurements is huge when shopping vintage, in my opinion. Sizing can be extremely skewed, so you can't always go off of the tagged size. 

  2. Always look through staple items first: blazers, jeans, blouses, etc. Once you find a few solid basics, then you can play around with trying to find some more unique items.

  3. If you are shopping vintage in person, go as early as you possibly can. Less crowded, less picked over.

  4. Keep an open mind. I know this sounds kind of silly, but your imagination might be your most helpful tool when it comes to shopping vintage. I have taken a bridesmaid dress from the 80s and transformed it into a "modern" top that you could probably find on Revolve Clothing (humble brag).

  5. Don't be afraid of calling a seamstress! Don't turn something down just because of a minor flaw.


Cuffed By Nano

How did Cuffed begin?

I started Cuffed for fun! I was working in Corporate Retail and I was always searching for creative and entrepreneurial outlets. Cuffed started as exactly that and 6 months later, I took the plunge and decided to give it a go full time. It’s been over four years since that, and I’m so glad I gave it a chance!

What does sustainability mean to Cuffed?

Our dedication to sustainability has definitely developed more and more over the years. About two years ago we started making a concerted effort toward sustainable business practices, and it has been an important piece of our brand ever since. Like many companies and brands, we are not perfect but we are doing our best to keep our planet and our future at the forefront of our decision making. I think at this point in time, it’s not a ‘benefit’ when a brand cares about sustainability, it’s a non-negotiable. 

What are all of Cuffed’s sustainability efforts?

Our sustainability efforts include the use of recycled metals in our products, carbon offset shipping, eco friendly shipping materials, and scrap metal recycling. We are dedicated to only offering products that are created with recycled metals, and of course that are recyclable in the future (that’s what we love about metal!). Our carbon offset shipping is us taking responsibility for the carbon footprint we create as an e-commerce brand shipping packages out daily. We do this through a nonprofit, Cool Effect, that has carbon reduction projects around the globe, from reforestation to converting methane into energy. It’s really cool to see everything they’re doing for the planet! 

What are a few of your favorite pieces? 

I love our 14k Initial Necklaces. They’re the perfect piece if you’re choosing to invest in solid gold, because they’re personalized for you and you’ll keep them forever and maybe even pass them down. I also love our herringbone necklace because it's one of the most timeless pieces we have ever carried and one we will probably always have! So many customers have shared pictures of their moms and grandmas in a gold herringbone chain, it never goes out of style!


Tips & Tricks


“Try and always keep a capsule wardrobe in mind and build off of staple items (jeans, blazers, tee, etc.)”


“Layering is king! For everyday layering I stick to 2-3 necklaces that are anywhere from 15” (choker) to 18”, so they all fall pretty close together”



“One word: Juxtaposition. Pairing things together that may not necessarily "go together" will always create the most unique outfit.”


“Again, for everyday looks, always layer!”



“Dress to impress one person—yourself.”


“When dressing up, reach for a single statement necklace.”


The product selections on this page are curated by the SISTAIN team. If you purchase through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no cost to you. We only recommend products that align with our mission.

You can shop Bryant Park on:


Featured on SISTAIN’s online store 

You can shop Cuffed By Nano on:



Ella Hackworth is a Brand Account Manager and Contributing Writer for SISTAIN and has a background in design, dance, and visual arts. She celebrates her love of nature, beauty, and connection through her passion for living mindfully and sustainably. 


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